Just decide already

We've all been there – standing at the crossroads of a difficult decision, considering our options and calculating the potential outcomes. But sometimes we forget that there's such a thing as "analysis paralysis." When you find yourself stuck in indecision, keep in mind that the difficulty of the choice could simply be because both paths have their merits. And even when we make mistakes, they can often lead to valuable learning experiences and unexpected successes.

Machiavelli, that astute Italian philosopher, taught us that not making a choice can be worse than making the wrong one. So, if you're stuck in a quagmire of indecision, remember that staying there isn't doing you any favors. In the world of software development, startups, and innovation, waiting for the stars to align or hiding behind excuses can be the kiss of death.

If you struggle emotionally with making decisions you could even leave it up to Math; consider the 37% Rule, a strategy derived from optimal stopping theory found in the realm of computer science. The rule suggests that when faced with a series of options, you should spend 37% of the time exploring and gathering information, and then choose the next best option that comes along. This approach helps balance exploration and exploitation, all while taking the emotional burden off your shoulders.

Good engineers exemplify this principle. They know that sometimes you've got to make a decision and move forward. They understand that time is a precious resource, and dilly-dallying can end up costing more than the potential difference between the options on the table.

So unless you're engaged in a project that requires the kind of precision reserved for launching rockets to Mars, prioritize making fast, effective decisions over slow and perfect ones. In a constantly evolving world, being able to make decisions quickly is a competitive edge. Trust your instincts, be decisive, and take that step forward. Your success depends on your ability to roll with the punches and make confident choices.